

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

Motret Paus Naik Kayak / Kano ??

apa yang kamu rasakan saat nik kayak kecil dekat benda seberat 40 ton dan bisa memakanmu?
Pastinya takut kan?? tapi tidak dengan seorang fotografer Duncan Murrer, ia berani mendekati paus yang sedang melahap burung di perairan alaska.

Paus jenis ini bisa melompat setinggi 50 kaki yang menyelam selama 30 menit, karena ia bernafas dengan paru-paru...

pasti di butuhkan keberanian dan keberuntungan untuk melakukan alsi ini...

Lunging out of the water this humpback takes part in a feeding frenzy off the U.S. coast


Duncan murrel in his kayak in the phillippines

Other whales grunt and scream to scare the herring to the surface, and in a wall of spray they all then rise with their huge mouths open to enjoy their feast. On average, one humpback eats around 5,000lb of plankton, krill and fish a day

By getting so close to the whales the images convey the drama and power of these magnificent creatures

Three humpback whales blast air and water through their blowholes in Tenakee Inlet, South East Alaska

Humpback whale 'lobtailing' in Alaska.

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